Having Financial stability often provides us with more lifestyle options; It allows us to make healthy choices. We can sustain ourselves without the help of anyone else. Now more than ever, it's time to put on your best outfit and take on the world. People see you before they hear you, so make sure you always look amazing.

Since the American women's movement in the 1840s, women have come a long way. We gained the right to vote in 1920, and then in the 1960s, women did everything possible to shatter the traditional 1950s housewife stereotype of getting married as an ultimate goal. The anthem of female empowerment continued to expand in the latter 20th century and into the new millennium. Now that it's 2017, more women than ever are financially independent at an increasingly younger age. Several years ago, studies found that most women achieve total financial independence by the age of 25-26 ("Factors Associated with Financial Independence of Young Adults," The University of Rhode Island, 2014)."
Women have come a long way. Today's successful women are different from what they used to be. Today, we are learning to be successful and financially independent at a much younger age. The internet and the information have been incredibly empowering. Think about it. Decades ago, teachers, family, and friends were our main knowledge base. Now the entire world is open to women. With a click of a button, you can watch a fantastic webinar and adopt a new skill, improve your life or learn about business or how to make money online. With immediate access to websites and YouTube channels, it doesn't take much for a woman to become the complete package, from beauty to business.
Increasingly, women reject getting married as a financial plan; a man is not a plan. She creates her income and makes it in the world, not relying on anybody else. This way, she can't be controlled by anyone else. Women of today continue to push for equal pay for equal work, and they're moving into careers typically held by men without dressing like men. Her appearance is feminine yet powerful. Women don't have to change who they are to make it in this world. Millions of women are creating their opportunities and becoming financial decision-makers.